John Mecham Razor Renew

Published by Rachel Fogerty on Dec 20th 2016

Featured Tippmann Customer

Cosmic Bargains LLC

John Mecham

385, 2040 S. Alma School Rd.
Chandler, Arizona 85286

What is your product?

Razor Renew is a product that will extend the life of your razor blade --- disposable, and the more expensive ones that you just change out the razor blade head.

When do you sharpen your razor blade?

Anytime your razor is not giving you a sharp and smooth shave. Razor Renew will extend your razor blade life 3 --- 6 times longer.

How did you come up with the idea?

Several years ago I was looking for ways to save money. I had a brilliant idea! If I could learn to shave with a straight razor I could save over $100 per year --- I shave with one of the more expensive razor blades and I would go through one blade a week. Just the initial investment in a straight razor, strop and a stone and I would be free of the ridiculously highly priced razors.

I became an expert at sharpening up my straight razor with the strop. But the actual shaving with the straight razor did not go very well for my face. I was very disappointed that my excellent money-saving idea had gone bad. But then I started thinking about the concept of the strop and how it sharpened the straight razor. One side of the strop sharpens and hones the straight razor blade and the other side smooths the straight razor blade.

Could this concept be applied to regular razor blades?

After experimenting around with many a combination of different ideas and techniques I figured out how to make a strop that could sharpen, hone and smooth regular razor blades by running the razor blades against the leather up and down both sides of the strop the opposite way you shave. After consulting with an excellent patent attorney I found out to my pleasant surprise that my idea was very original and that I had an excellent chance to get a patent. I am currently in patent pending with my product, and also a trademark pending with the name "Razor Renew".

I am excited to have invented a product that will save everyone money who shaves with a razor blade. Basically, this product sells itself, because no one who shaves with a razor blade can afford not to have this product. One simple, low-priced purchase will give you years of savings.
Why a Tippmann Clicker?

Even though Razor Renew was very simple I wanted it to look professional and last someone for years. That is when I started looking for an excellent die-cutting press that could help me with this goal.

From the video on the website I just had a good feel for the Tippmann Clicker'\s. After calling and talking to Bob, Matt and Jim I knew that the Tippmann Clicker was not going to disappoint me and it did not. The entire staff answered all my questions --- and this greenhorn had several --- and guided me in the right direction with the different dies that I needed for my product. All the different do's and don'ts  when pressing leather shapes etc.... They do not hesitate to refer you to other companies that do great work for other tasks that you need for your product. Like when I needed a de-bossed name on the leather handle of my product - Bob referred me to Owosso. This company was awesome just like he said it would be. Jim does an excellent job with design of all the dies --- he had a lot of great ideas to make the process easy and understandable. And Matt has been a great source of information for me about the marketing side of things for my new product.

I purchased the smaller press. One of my short term goals is to sell at least 200 --- 300 a week of my product, and with the clicker I can easily produce this much product. I am looking forward to the day when I trade in the small clicker for the bigger one.

Tippmann has the entire package: An excellent quality product, and service way beyond the initial sale that is totally customer oriented. Thanks for everything!

Note from Bob:

When John called asking about the Clicker, I asked him what he wanted to do with it. He told me, and told him to put me down for one right away, even if he didn't end up getting a Tippmann Clicker. I thought that this was a great idea, especially with the way the economy is and it is a great way to save money. I went to Matt (our marketing director) and told him about the Razor Renew because I knew he uses the Mach 3 razor blades like I do. We got our Razor Renews 3 weeks ago and love them! Matt and I are working on our recommendation letters right now, and I keep my Razor Renew on my desk and show it to anyone stopping by. Thank you John for the great idea and a great product.

Bob Tippmann
Tippmann Industrial Products